首页 学者 度 & 项目 音乐疗法B级.亩.



You know the feeling when your favorite song is playing – you turn up the volume and bask in the glory of the moment. 亩ic is not only empowering but also therapeutic.

音乐治疗师 使用不同类型的音乐体验, 比如唱歌, 弹奏乐器, 写歌, 听音乐,谈论音乐, 满足客户需求 using the unique relationship between the client, the music and the therapist.


计划: 音乐学士
观众: 本科生
格式: 面对面的类
下次开始日期: 2024年8月26日
完成时间 四年

"I learned a lot about myself by learning about music therapy. My classes emphasized connecting the music to yourself, 在你能够与他人联系之前. To create a strong foundation for practicing music therapy, we worked on ourselves and things we may struggle with when we work with future clients. Getting hands-on experience with how our music could affect clients helped me prepare to build strong clinical relationships in my practicum placements. I learned how to lead with confidence in life and in my sessions, as well as how to use specific skills I have in music to help others."

亩ic Therapist at 诺斯布鲁克行为健康医院

作为一个音乐治疗专业的学生, you will develop your skills and interests in small classes taught by attentive, 支持教师.

  • Build clinical music skills through individual lessons in piano, guitar and voice that are tailored to your learning needs and abilities.
  • Learn music therapy methods through personal experience in the 亩ic and Wellness course.

获得专业经验, you will complete supervised fieldwork experiences in different clinical settings to observe, 协助, 并主持音乐治疗课程. You will learn how music therapy applies to diverse clinical populations, 包括有特殊需要的儿童, 有医疗或精神问题的人, 以及接受临终关怀或姑息治疗的成年人. Faculty will support you during the internship placement process to match your interests with an appropriate site, 人口或地点. Our students have recently interned at places such as:

  • 宾夕法尼亚东南部的复活节海豹
  • 阅读医院
  • 季节临终关怀
  • 内穆尔儿童卫生系统
  • 罗耶-格里夫斯盲人学校
  • 切斯特县的拱门
  • 节奏! 音乐治疗服务
  • 保罗的退休社区
  • 肯尼迪克里格研究所
  • 诺斯布鲁克行为健康医院

You can also 参与 a range of co-curricular activities and enrichment programs, 包括音乐治疗俱乐部, 区域和国家会议, and national and international guest presentations.

Immaculata也提供了一个 音乐治疗硕士学位 如果你想继续你的教育. 在你大四的时候, you can take nine graduate credits that will count toward both your undergraduate and graduate degree in music therapy, 不另收费.

  • Opportunity for direct entry into IU’s advanced music therapy professional and/or counseling track master’s degree
  • Free continuing education program for students and alumni

Recent faculty-mentored research projects have explored questions such as:

  • Does live versus recorded music have different physiological effects on listeners?
  • Is instrumental pop or classical music more relaxing to college music majors?
  • Does music played on a Steinway piano versus a digital piano have different effects on listeners’ heart rate variability?
  • Does background music help or hurt students’ ability to focus and learn?

在伊玛库拉塔学习音乐治疗, 你会选择音乐, music therapy and psychology courses in a liberal arts program. 这些课程培养你的核心音乐素养, 你的临床技能, and your understanding of the psychology of music and psychopathology. 在节目结束时, you are eligible to take the Board Certification exam (MT-BC), 通过CBMT给药, 从而获得国家认可的证书.

音乐治疗师 work in a wide variety of clinical and educational settings: hospitals, 精神病院, 养老院, 社区精神卫生中心, 监狱, 学校, 私人诊所, 临终关怀设施. 随着这个行业的不断发展, music therapists with clinical experience and advanced degrees are increasingly in demand, particularly in psychiatric settings and hospitals. Immaculata receives many requests for 协助ance in finding music therapists to fill positions, and these are shared with interns and graduates.

Our alumni have been hired at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 艺术元素音乐教学 & Therapy, Royer Greaves School for the Blind, 季节临终关怀, St. Luke’s University 健康 Network and 诺斯布鲁克行为健康医院.

“Immaculata’s music therapy program prepared me for not only the academic portion of the field but also the clinical fieldwork that is required. The music therapy program gave me ample opportunities to observe, 参与, 并引导音乐治疗体验. Immaculata provided me with an excellent education and practicums that allowed me to work with multiple populations to help decide which population I may want to work with.”

—Paige Gale ’18, MT-BC, music therapist at 季节临终关怀 and Palliative Care

Students who are pursuing substance abuse treatment education or internships may be eligible for a $1,000美元的奖学金可通过 恢复的步骤 位于宾夕法尼亚州莱维敦的治疗设施.

Immaculata大学 is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of 亩ic (NASM), and the music therapy program is approved by the American 亩ic Therapy Association (AMTA) and the Certification Board for 亩ic Therapists (CBMT).



When her niece participated in group music therapy sessions during regular hospital visits, Breanna (Bree) Kratz ’23 became interested in the therapeutic use of music.




学生/教师比例为10:1, personalized academic attention is a hallmark of Immaculata’s programs.



Immaculata's 60+ undergraduate programs and 12+ graduate programs provide career-focused education for in-demand jobs.



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